Sunday, December 25, 2011
Savin Me~Ban the Deed, Not the Breed
Monday, December 19, 2011
Pit Bulls Ban BSL
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Nanny Dogs
Do you know what a nanny dog is? A "nanny dog" is the name given to pit bull terriers many, many years ago. Pit bulls were called nanny dogs because they were loyal, caring companions for children.
We have forgotten that their history is of a loving, caring family pet. They were treated as a part of the family. They were loved and respected and they gave love and respect in return. Todays' view of the pit bull is very different.
They are viewed as aggressive and dangerous animals and have been banned in many places. The pit bulls that are aggressive have been trained by their owners to be aggressive. Their nature is to love and to please the people that own them.
Our society blames the pit bulls. The blame falls squarely on the shoulders of the owners that train them to fight and to be aggressive. Dogs do not train themselves, people train them. Michael Vicks' recent trial and conviction for dog fighting is a step in the right direction. He was held accountable for his actions and the abuse of the dogs in his care. Every person that conducts themselves in such a manner should be held accountable in the same manner.
The pit bulls should not be punished for their actions because of owners training them in inappropriate behaviors. Responsible dog ownership brings about very much different behavior in dogs.
I hope that more people will remember pit bulls as nanny dogs in the future and give these dogs a chance to show their loving, caring nature. I will qualify what I am writing by saying that I am a pit bull owner and there is no more loving animal than my "nanny dog".
Sunday, December 11, 2011
American Staffordshire Terrier
The American Staffordshire Terrier is a really strong dog. The whole look of the American Staffordshire terrier is of power. It is a very muscular dog and agile. They are bigger in the bone structure, head and weight than their cousins the American Pit Bull Terrier. The muzzle is in proportion to the head and is medium in length, with rounded sides and have good closed lips. The jaws are very strong; their teeth should be able to do a scissor bite. Their eyes are lower down their face and are dark in colour and round. Their ears are high and if cropped are pointy, but un-cropped is preferred, and can hold half pricked. They are broad dogs and are chunky. Their coat is all colours and can be solid colour or patched. It is not desirable to have a dog that is more than 80% white. Their coat is thick, short and glossy. Its tail can be docked but if not then it should be short and taper to a point. It has a wide gate and sturdy legs that are in proportion to the body. This dog lives to about 15 years.
History: The American Staffordshire Terrier dog's history started back in England in the region of Staffordshire. Here they crossed the bulldog with a mix of Terriers to produce the muscular dog we see today. In America the breeders change it slightly to be heaver with a more powerful head. This breed is bigger than its English cousins. It has been used over time as a fighting dog but with the ban in the 1900s two types where bred called, the show dog the American Staffordshire Terrier, and the fighting dog the American Pit Bull Terrier. These are now being seen as two breeds rather than the one breed. The American Staffordshire are now watchdogs, guard dogs and agility dogs. These dogs need firm consistent training to get them to see that you are the leader, this goes for all family members, as you must seem high in the pack order for this dog for you to have a happy and successful relationship.
Temperament. The American Staffordshire Terrier is outgoing happy and stable, they are intelligent and confident dogs excellent in nature and very good with children and adults alike. Although they are strong and powerful dogs they are normally trustworthy with children, although due to their strength and build they could accidentally knocked over small children. They are highly protective of their master and their home, again due to their overall appearance this makes them an excellent guard dog.
Health issues: The American Staffordshire Terrier are known to have hip dysplasia. Heart murmurs and congenital heart disease, skin allergies, tumours', hereditary cataracts all so thyroid problems.
Grooming: The American Staffordshire Terrier dog breed is fairly easy to keep tidy. It needs brushing with a firm bristle brush weekly. It sheds normally and can be bathed as needed. A good rub down with a rubber brush adds shine to the coat. There are oils available to add shine to the dog as well.
Living conditions: The American Staffordshire Terrier breed likes warm weather but not hot. It can live in a garden or a house. It will be OK to have in an apartment, but you will have to pay attention to giving this breed good exercises. This dog needs long daily walks, and it needs to know that you are the leader or it can become hard to handle.
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Thursday, December 8, 2011
Bill Introduction Revising Ban on Pit beasts - Randy Hillier MPP
Monday, December 5, 2011
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Thursday, December 1, 2011
Denver's Pit Ban Bull
Monday, November 28, 2011
Pitbull Attacks Female Animal Control Officer
Friday, November 25, 2011
Say No to DENVER - Stop Breed-Specific Legislation and Stop Killing Dogs
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Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011
James Lovelock's Latest Book Trashes Renewables, Endorses Nuclear Energy
On the front page of the World Nuclear Association website prominently rests a quote from what some consider the world's leading environmentalist and among the world's top scientists, Dr. James Lovelock:
"There is no sensible alternative to nuclear power if we are to sustain civilization."
- James Lovelock, preeminent world leader in the development of environmental consciousness
At age eighty-six, Dr. Lovelock has just published his fourth book, The Revenge of Gaia (Penguin Books, 2006). "Gaia" is Dr. Lovelock's belief that earth is a living, evolving organism, not just a hunk of rock we all live upon. Through his book, Lovelock refers to Gaia, when he is discussing our third planet from the sun. His latest book is a MUST read for anyone who is following the renaissance in nuclear energy. Environmentalists won't read this book. Perhaps their bosses will BAN them from reading this book. Those environmentalists who carefully read Lovelock's latest book may very well become nuclear power lobbyists, if they would bathe, shave and spiff up a bit. Chapter Five, "Sources of Energy," will instantly disintegrate every ridiculous argument propounded by the naïve and antediluvian anti-nuclear movements across the world.
Dr. Lovelock's credentials and achievements are light years beyond those of any environmental mouthpiece espousing the "green" movement. More so than anyone alive, Lovelock is first and foremost a giant of the earth's environmentalist movement. Since 1974, Lovelock has been a Fellow of the Royal Society. Since 1994, he has been an Honorary Visiting Fellow of Green College, University of Oxford. New Scientist described him as "one of the great thinkers of our time. The London Observer has called him, "one of the environmental movement's most influential figures." In 2003, he was made Companion of Honour by Her Majesty the Queen. Prospect magazine named Dr. Lovelock in September 2005, "one of the world's top 100 global public intellectuals."
How does Dr. Lovelock respond to the question of nuclear waste? He writes, "I have offered in public to accept all the high-level waste produced in a year from a nuclear power station for deposit on my small plot of land; it would occupy a space about a cubic metre in size and fit safely in a concrete pit, and I would use the heat from its decaying radioactive elements to heat my home. It would be a waste not to use it. More important, it would be no danger to me, my family or the wildlife." That should enlighten the yokels arguing against the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste depository.
Chapter Five, "Sources of Energy," concisely and cogently answers every silly "theory" about renewable energy sources hyped by the "green" movement. Let's take Biomass, which makes sense to any concerned citizen. Lovelock even agrees with the theory of Biomass, writing, "Used sensibly and on a modest scale, burning wood or agricultural waste for heat or energy is no threat to Gaia." Please note that he modified his statement with "sensibly" and "modest." In a nutshell, he explains why Biomass will not become a leading energy source, "Bio fuels are especially dangerous because it is too easy to grow them as a replacement for fossil fuel; they will then demand an area of land or ocean far larger than Gaia can afford... We have already taken more than half of the productive land to grow food for ourselves. How can we expect Gaia to manage the Earth if we try to take the rest of the land for fuel production?" He added poignantly, "Just imagine that we tried to power our present civilization on crops grown specifically for fuel, such as coppice woodland, fields of oilseed rape, and so on. These are the 'bio fuels', the much-applauded renewable energy source...We would need the land area of several Earths just to grow the bio fuel."
Wind power gets shellacked as well. For those environmentalists, such as Amory Lovins, who believe "Wind Farms" are going to become a significant energy source, they are full of hot air. According to the Royal Society of Engineers 2004 report, onshore European wind energy is two and a half times, and offshore wind energy over three times, more expensive per kilowatt hour than gas or nuclear energy. Denmark, which pioneered wind farms, is regretting the decision. Niels Gram of the Danish Federation of Industries said, "In green terms windmills are a mistake and economically make no sense... Many of us thought wind was the 100-percent solution for the future, but we were wrong. In fact, taking all energy needs into account it is only a 3 percent solution." Lovelock writes, "To supply the UK's present electricity needs would require 276,000 wind generators, about three per square mile, if national parks, urban, suburban and industrial areas are excluded... at best, energy is available from wind turbines only 25 percent of the time." German environmentalists, who have recently led the charge for Wind Power, should reconsider. Lovelock writes, "The most recent report from Germany put wind energy as available only 16 percent of the time."
Surely, solar power must be the answer, right? Wrong! Lovelock writes, "Solar cells are not yet suitable for supplying electricity directly to homes or workplaces, mostly because, despite over thirty years of development, they are quite expensive to make. At the Centre for Alternative Technology in Wales there is an experimental house with a roof made almost entirely of silicon photocells. In summer it provides about three kilowatts of electricity, but the cost of installation was comparable with the house itself, and the expected life of the cells is about ten years. Sunlight, like wind, is intermittent and would, without efficient storage, be an inconvenient energy source at these latitudes."
Solar and wind power were just two of the many energy sources Lovelock sends to the dumpster. Wave and tidal energy, hydro-electricity, hydrogen, fusion energy, coal and oil and natural gas all suffer similar consequences under Dr. Lovelock's scientific microscope. Geothermal gets a partial endorsement, but Lovelock writes, "Unfortunately there are few places where it is freely available. Iceland is one of them, and it draws a large part of its energy needs from this source." How many of you know that, while natural gas could cut carbon dioxide emissions by half, if used ubiquitously, some of the natural gas leaks into the air before it burnt? According to the Society of Chemical Industry's report (2004), this amounts to about 2 to 4 percent of the gas used. Methane, the main constituent of natural gas is 24 times more potent a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.
Fusion sounded great in theory, but when I discussed it with Dr. Fred Begay, at the Los Alamos National Laboratories, this past November, he told me it may take fifty years to develop, if it ever could be developed as an energy source. Lovelock explains in his book why Fusion Energy would be wonderful, but he brought up the one point, which stymies nuclear physicists (and which environmentalists won't even talk about), "... the nuclear fusion of hydrogen yields millions of times more energy than its mere combustion, but to start the powerful reaction requires some means of heating the hydrogen to 150 million degrees." How exactly go you go about heating something on earth up to 150 million degrees, when the core of the sun has a temperature of a little more than 100 million degrees? Again, great theory and work is being done in this arena to bring about a solution sometime this century, but this technology remains in an incubation stage.
The most shocking and disturbing discussion through Lovelock's book was the problem with carbon dioxide emissions. The burning question these days is "WHAT" to do with nuclear waste. Lovelock believes we should start worrying about what to do about carbon dioxide emissions waste, "The world's annual production of carbon dioxide is 27,000 million tons. If this much were frozen into solid carbon dioxide at -80 degrees Centigrade, it would make a mountain one mile high and twelve miles in circumference. To sequester this much each year could not be achieved quickly - probably not sooner than twenty years from now." He added, "If only had developed and installed the equipment for removing carbon dioxide from power stations and industry fifty years ago, we would now face surmountable problems." Another problem with carbon dioxide should give you nightmares or reach for a gas mask. Carbon dioxide, according to Dr. Lovelock, "has a complicated removal with an effective residence time of between fifty and a hundred years. About half of the carbon dioxide we have so far added to the air remains there." That means the carbon dioxide we add to our existing air pollution will still be breathed by our children, grandchildren and their children. How is that for a legacy?
James Lovelock's Conclusion on Nuclear Energy
How does James Lovelock feel about nuclear energy? "I believe nuclear power is the only source of energy that will satisfy our demands and yet not be a hazard to Gaia and interfere with its capacity to sustain a comfortable climate and atmospheric composition. This is mainly because nuclear reactions are millions of times more energetic than chemical reactions. The most energy available from a chemical reaction, such as burning carbon in oxygen, is about nine kilowatt hours per kilogram. The nuclear fusion of hydrogen atoms to form helium gives several million times as much, and the energy from splitting uranium is greater still."
Through his book, Lovelock reminds us that nuclear power is the single answer for this century, "We need emission-free energy sources immediately, and there is no serious contender to nuclear fission."
Lovelock addresses Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, nuclear testing in the 1960s, and many other events over the past fifty years, as nuclear energy has developed. If you wondered about radiation and cancer, Lovelock answers that as well. You may leap up, after reading those pages, and start faxing them off to every environmentalist group you can contact. It may be the most definitive analysis of the disconnect the media and the greens have about nuclear energy and its impact on our health that you have ever read. Lovelock concludes, "The persistent distortion of the truth about the health risks of nuclear energy should make us wonder if the other statements about nuclear energy are equally flawed."
One specific question that has puzzled me, for a number of years, was this: How many people die to produce each of our energy sources? The table below answered that question. The comparative safety of the different energy sources comes from the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland in a 2001 report, which Lovelock reproduces on page 102 of his book. The Institute examined all of the world's large-scale energy sources and compared them against their safety records. The numbers of deaths were expressed in terms of terrawatt year of energy made, between 1970 and 1992. A terrawatt year (TTY) is one million million watts of electricity made and continuously used throughout a year.
Fuel Fatalities Who Deaths per TTY
Coal 6400 Workers 342
Hydro 4000 Public 883
Natural Gas 1200 Workers and Public 85
Nuclear 31 Workers 8
Lovelock does not simply endorse nuclear, as an idle thought. He is passionate about nuclear energy as a life-saving measure, "My strong pleas for nuclear energy come from a growing sense that we have little time left in which to install a reliable and secure supply of electricity.... The important and overriding consideration is time; we have nuclear power now, and new nuclear building should be started immediately. All of the alternatives, including fusion energy, require decades of development before they can be employed on a scale that would significantly reduce emissions."
He concludes his masterpiece of Chapter Five of The Revenge of Gaia by writing:
"Meanwhile at the world's climate centres the barometer continues to fall and tell of the imminent danger of a climate storm whose severity the Earth has not endured for fifty-five million years. But in the cities the party goes on; how much longer before reality enters our minds?
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